A new product range launched by Think Simple offers new solutions for domestic energy control. The Vitrum range of switches allows users to control lighting, air conditioning, video entry systems and more from one central location.

The switches feature a glass surface with a touchpad. Using a simple circular finger motion the homeowner can dim the lights or turn down the heating. Communication between the devices is based on the Z-Wave wireless standard.

The company has developed the EcoSwitch function to assist energy efficient control of lighting: when a user touches the glass switch, the lights initially only light up with 65% strength.

The system indicates this by displaying an illuminated green ring around the touch field. If the user touches the touchpad again the brightness of the lighting increases to 100% and the ring around the switch then turns yellow. In this way the system actively helps homeowners save energy.

The switch is made entirely of recyclable materials, so an even greater level of environmental conservation is ensured.

The technical core of the switch series is the Z-Wave protocol, which enables wireless communication between the switch and the end device. This allows the user to supervise and control the devices from an iPAD and from other Android based tablet computers as well.