As the coronavirus continues to spread, medical facilities and hospitals are under an increasing amount of strain, often lacking critical medical equipment needed to effectively fight COVID-19. In order to increase accessibility to this crucial equipment, 3D Hubs has launched the COVID-19 Manufacturing Fund, in the hopes of funding the production of vital equipment such as masks and ventilator parts. 

In less than 12 hours after launching, the fund has raised over $18,000. In addition to the funds, 3D Hubs has so far partnered with Make4Covid and The University of Denver to manufacture up to 10,000 protective face shields for hospitals in Denver. Key components for the Prusa face shield RC2 are being produced, to be used ‘in the field’ in hospitals that are facing shortages in the midst of this deepening crisis. 3D Hubs has also partnered with Project Open Air to work on ventilator splitters to increase the capacity of existing ventilators.

Co-founder and CPO of 3D Hubs, Brian Garret comments: “Thousands of designers and engineers around the world are stepping up to design parts for life-saving applications. We want to make sure these parts reach those in need as soon as possible. By launching this fund, and committing our global manufacturing capacity, we’re accelerating these initiatives as fast as we can.”

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